Topa achieves bronze EcoVadis medal for sustainability!

EcoVadis bronze medal for Topa

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In the world of packaging, sustainability is no longer an option, but a necessity. The importance of responsible business practices continues to increase. In addition to increased awareness around sustainability, there are also increasing mandatory regulations to take into account. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CRSD), for example, is clear in its guidelines relating to future-proof enterprise. We underwent our first audit for the year 2023. This was carried out by EcoVadis. The result? A bronze medal! This result demonstrates that we have taken major steps in the right direction over recent years. But there is definitely still room for improvement.

EcoVadis, who, what, why?

EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of sustainability evaluations for businesses, with a worldwide network of more than 130,000 evaluated companies. They evaluate businesses on their environmental, social and ethical performance. By offering standardised and independent evaluations, EcoVadis provides companies with insight into where there is room for improvement in the area of future-proof enterprise. The evaluation covers four key themes:

Group 29
  • Environment: Evaluation of the company’s environmental footprint and the efforts made to reduce this.
  • Labour and human rights: Evaluation of the policy and practices in relation to working conditions and respect for human rights.
  • Ethics: Analysis of the integrity and ethical practices within business operations.
  • Sustainable procurement: Evaluation of the sustainability criteria in the supply chain.

Topa’s score in this sustainability performance evaluation fell within the top 35% of the best performing companies, which resulted in a bronze medal. 

Going for silver


Although we are proud of our bronze medal, we are aiming to make further improvements. To achieve a silver medal, we will need to further intensify our efforts. The great thing about the EcoVadis report is that we have a very concrete idea of where there is room for improvement and what we need to do to achieve this ambition. In some cases this is an administrative adjustment while other suggestions for improvement will have a greater impact and will require prior strategic decision-making. We will undergo another evaluation by EcoVadis for the year 2024 and will find out what effect our efforts have had on our new result.

Want to find out more about Topa’s other sustainability initiatives?

  • Topa is taking major steps within CO2 reduction and sustainability
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  • Sustainable moisture protection: AbsorGel® reduces CO2 by 75%
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  • Ecodesign: the new standard at Topa
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  • Paper-fibre foam: sustainable packaging alternative
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Should you have any questions about this specific article, want to learn more about our sustainability initiatives, or have a sustainability challenge where we can assist?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Call us at +31 252 245 200 or email


August 14, 2024
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