Packaging company Topa reduced its CO2 emissions by 27% again last year

Topa is aiming for less. 2022, the year that Topa celebrated its 100th birthday, was also the year the packaging company first became an official Climate Neutral Company*. Topa compensated for its CO2 emissions through the Wind Energy North-east Brazil climate project. The business activities of Topa Verpakking, Topa Packaging and Topa Thermal have been recertified again this year. The decision has now been taken to compensate for emissions through a wind turbine project in Chile. Once the turbines are built, this project will save about 197,420 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Our ambition is to keep getting greener. Our goal for 2022 was to achieve a reduction of 15%. But, working together, we successfully reduced our emissions by more than 27%. Something we are of course really proud of
CEO Hein Stevens
The green approach is delivering tonnes of savings
The packaging company has reduced emissions from 1,660 tonnes of CO2 to 1,212 tonnes of CO2. This means that Topa’s green approach has delivered savings of no less than 448 tonnes of CO2.
We have saved 75 tonnes of emissions from heating, for example, through better insulation and more conscious use of heating. We have saved 2 tonnes of emissions from waste through more efficient recycling. We have saved 200 tonnes of emissions from electricity by switching to green energy from Dutch wind turbines. The only area where CO2 emissions have risen is our fleet of cars, where emissions have increased by 9 tonnes be-cause we have driven a lot more kilometres than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our hybrid and electric cars did not fully compensate for this. We could perhaps make further improvements by using exclusively green energy to charge cars.
CEO Hein Stevens

Goal: a further 10% reduction in emissions in 2023
Various European countries have worked hard over recent years to meet specific objectives to further reduce CO2 emissions, in order to achieve the ambitious goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. There is also the Dutch Climate Agreement, with a reduction target of 49% in 2030, compared with emissions in 1990. Topa’s aim is to comfortably exceed this goal. The objectives can be lowered each year if feasible.
We will therefore be lowering the target for 2023:
Our long-term plan is to achieve a total reduction of 25% in 2023 compared with 2021 but, considering the results of the first year, this has already been achieved. That’s why we’re raising the bar and aiming to reduce our CO2 emissions even further: A 10% reduction in 2023 is our new starting point.
CEO Hein Stevens

The next green steps for Topa
2023 will mark the first time the packaging company uses green energy for a full year. Topa wants to be even more conscious about its use of heating. It will also be working on a future mobility plan.
We will be starting and optimising all kinds of small and large sustainable initiatives. We will continue to roll out the waste plan. We’ll be looking at packaging use in the medical sector. And, if the power for air conditioning units or climate rooms needs replacing, we will replace the coolants with a more environmentally friendly alternative.
CEO Hein Stevens

*The Climate Neutral Company label covers all business activities except Topa’s products.
For further information, please contact:
Tom Vermeersch, Sustainability Project Lead
Topa Groep
Torenlaan 10
2215 RW Voorhout
Telefoon: +31 252 245 245