Case Accell: together we developed an ergonomic, sustainable and efficient packing line

Packaging specialist Teus Blom of Topa (left) and project leader Jaimy Schouten of Accell at the new packing line with ergonomic packing tables.
Teus Blom advises customers on packaging and packaging solutions as a packaging specialist. Teus: “Accell is a long-term relation of mine. They had a packing line with old packing tables. They also used plastic air bags to protect bicycle parts during shipping. Accell’s wish was a new packing lane with ergonomic packing tables for the employees. Moreover, they wanted to start protecting the parts sustainably during transport.”
Accell and Topa sat down together. In doing so, Teus worked intensively with project leader Jaimy Schouten. Teus: “Together, we developed an ergonomic, sustainable and efficient packing line.”
We opted for electrically height-adjustable packing tables
Accell already had its own ideas. On this basis, Topa contributed ideas, developed them and, together with Accell, created a completely revamped packing line. Teus: “Ergonomics came first. That’s why we opted for electrically height-adjustable packing tables that can be raised and lowered at the push of a button. So that every employee, small or large, can adjust the packing table to the ideal working height.”
The plastic air bags have been replaced by recycled paper
Bike parts such as chains, chain guards, derailleurs, luggage carriers, hand brakes, bells and locks have recently been protected with sustainable padding material. Because plastic air bags have been replaced by recycled paper.
We made an ergonomic bracket for the paper shooter
Teus: “To work ergonomically and efficiently, we made sure that the worker has all the equipment and the filling material within reach. For instance, we made an ergonomic bracket for the paper shooter, where the recycled paper comes out. So that the worker can easily and quickly fill the boxes. We also did tests on where best to place the monitor, keyboard and printer so that people can work as ergonomically and efficiently as possible.”
We trained employees to use recycled paper efficiently
Topa goes much further than just packing. Teus: “We made drawings of the new packing line with modular packing tables. We supervised the process of testing with the recycled paper. And we trained employees to handle the paper efficiently. People are used to using a lot of filling material, while achieving the same result with less. This also results in considerable cost savings.”
Accell experiences new packing line as very pleasant, ergonomic and sustainable
Teus: “The new packing line was installed in May 2022, so only just. But we are already getting very positive and enthusiastic reactions. Accell finds the new packing lane very pleasant, ergonomic and sustainable. This is to our credit, but just as much to Accell’s credit. After all, we created it together.”
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